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“Turkey and Azerbaijan become one nation-one state” – Ahmad Shahidov comments on Shusha Declaration
“Shusha Declaration will cross borders of the two countries and cover the whole region” – ANews TV
What is the significance of the Shusha Declaration?
Turkey, Azerbaijan sign comprehensive deal in the historic city of Shusha
Presidents Erdogan and Aliyev sign Shusha Declaration
Recep Tayyip Erdogan`s visit to Shusha is a clear message to world – Ahmad Shahidov talked to ANews
Armenian soldier commits suicide, opposition speaks on tense situation on border, 25.05.21 digest
How was Shusha city represented at the 1873 Vienna World's Fair?
Turkish Military Bases In Azerbaijan - Turkey Wants 3 Military Bases In Azerbaijan?
Erdogan's visit to Azerbaijan || What happened in Azerbaijan?
Armenian News - Saturday, June 12, 2021
Azerbaycan ve Türkiye birlikte tarih yazdılar - Şuşa Beyannamesi – Ulusal Kanal